Transportation from Sapporo to Otaru (JR/Car/Bus Comparison)

sapporo station


*All information is as of the time of writing. Please be sure to check the latest information in advance by yourself.

If you are going to travel to Hokkaido, you may want to visit both Sapporo and Otaru.
In fact, sightseeing in Sapporo and Otaru is so popular that even とpeople living in Hokkaido often go to Otaru from Sapporo.
At such times, transportation between Sapporo and Otaru is a concern.
The distance from Sapporo to Otaru is about 40 km.

There are three possible modes of transportation: JR from Sapporo Station, rental car or private car, bus, and sightseeing cab.

This article provides a detailed comparison and explanation of the costs and time required for each means of transportation.
If you are planning to travel from Sapporo to Otaru, please refer to this article.

Sapporo to Otaru via JR Train

How long does it take from Sapporo to Otaru by JR Train?

JR Train sapporo transportation

First, let us introduce the case of using JR (Train.)
Using JR from Sapporo to Otaru has the advantage that you can arrive at the destination almost 100% on time because there is no possibility of traffic congestion unlike by car.
Especially during major holidays such as Golden Week(GW,) when congestion on the roads is expected, JR is a safe choice if you do not want to waste even a minute of your sightseeing time.

Most people take the “Rapid Airport” or the section rapid “Ishikari Liner” on the Hakodate Main Line from Sapporo to Otaru.
There are many trains between Sapporo and Otaru among the JR lines in Hokkaido, so you will not feel inconvenienced by using JR trains.

The time required for the “Rapid Airport” and “Ishikari Liner,” which are used by many passengers, are as follows.

JR Rapid Airport Ishikari Liner
Required Time Approx. 32 min Approx. 40 min 

As I will explain later, in fact, I will tell you in conclusion that the fastest way to arrive at the destination compared to a car or bus is by JR.

How much does it cost to travel by JR Train from Sapporo to Otaru?

The following are the rates of concern for travel by JR.

JR Sapporo – Otaru (One way) Sapporo – Otaru (Round Trip)
Fee 640 yen 1,280 yen

In general, you need to pay an additional fee for rapid trains, such as “ordinary train ticket + express ticket”, but you can take a nonreserved seat with only an ordinary train ticket, and no additional fee is required.
The time required for a regular train other than the Rapid Airport or Ishikari Liner, introduced above, is about 50 minutes, so the fare is not only faster than a regular train, but also the same price.
This is a very kind fare system.

By the way, it seems that many people are wondering which train they should take, since the regular train seems to depart first, but it is often faster to wait and take the rapid train that departs later.
If you are in a hurry, we recommend that you check the train you need to take and make sure you are on the right train.

If you are looking for unreserved seats, it is sometimes too crowded to sit down, but if you really want to sit down, some reserved seats called U-seats are available, and you can purchase a reserved seat ticket for 520 yen in addition to the reserved seat ticket.

It is a great way to relax and plan your journey while enjoying a delicious bento box lunch and alcohol.

Please refer to the JR Hokkaido website for the latest information.

IC card transportation sapporo

The rapid airport train that we introduced operates between Sapporo and Otaru, so you can go sightseeing directly to Otaru after arriving at New Chitose Airport!
Tickets from Sapporo to Otaru can be purchased from ticket vending machines or by using transportation system IC card tickets such as “Kitaca” and “Suica” used in Hokkaido.

The following is a summary of the available options.

JR Required Time Fee
Rapid Train Approx. 32 – 40 min

One way: 640 yen
Round Trip: 1,280 yen


Sapporo to Otaru via Car

car driving sapporo transportation

Next, we will explain how to travel by car.
It takes about 50 minutes from Sapporo to Otaru by highway.

The fee for using the expressway is 810 yen.
If you use ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) and you are on a holiday, you can save 570 yen.

It is also possible to travel by public roads without using the expressway, in which case it is recommended to allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes.
However, please note that the time required may vary depending on traffic congestion and other conditions on the day of the trip.
By the way, you can see the beautiful sea on the way to Otaru, so it is suitable for those who want to visit Otaru as if you were driving.

And as for the cost, if you are traveling by car, you will have to pay for gasoline and other expenses as well as the use of the expressway.
In addition, you will also have to pay for parking in Otaru, so if you want to keep costs low, car travel is not really suitable for you.
However, compared to public transportation, you can move freely at your own time, so car transportation is the best choice for those who want to enjoy a trip with a flexible plan and are not bound by time, or for those who are sightseeing with a large group.

The prices are current at the time of writing, so please check the official website for the most up-to-date information.

Car Required Time Fee except for gasoline
Express way Approx. 50 min

One way: 570 – 810 yen
Round Trip: 1,140 – 1,620 yen


Approx. 1 hour and 10 min


Sapporo to Otaru via Bus

bus sapporo transportation


Next, we will explain how to travel by express bus.
Express buses from Sapporo to Otaru are operated by two companies, JR Hokkaido Bus and Hokkaido Chuo Bus.
The bus fare is 610 yen one way and a little more economical at 1,140 yen if bought as a round trip.

Compared by fare, it has the advantage of being cheaper than JR, which is recommended for those who want to reduce the cost of transportation.
The time required is about 1 hour.
However, as repeated in the case of cars, there is a possibility of getting caught in traffic jams, so we recommend that you allow plenty of time for your trip.

Bus  Required Time Fee
Express Bus Approx. 1 hour

One way: 610 yen
Round Trip: 1,140 yen

Please refer to the official website for the latest information.

Another good thing about highway buses is that they have stops at tourist spots.
You may wonder what is so good about this, but it is surprisingly convenient that you can go from Sapporo to Otaru for sightseeing and then return to Otaru to Sapporo and arrive at the sightseeing spot right away again.
For example, Sapporo Clock Tower is also a bus stop for express buses, so you can visit the clock tower right after getting off the bus.
Another advantage is that the express buses run every 10 to 20 minutes, so there is not much waiting time before boarding.

Sapporo to Otaru via Taxi (sightseeing cab)

sightseeing cab taxi sapporo

There are several ways to get from Sapporo to Otaru, including JR, car, and bus, but many visitors would like to take their time and concentrate on sightseeing without worrying about the time it takes to get there!
In such cases, we recommend taking a sightseeing cab.
If you use a sightseeing cab, a professional driver will pick you up at the designated location and take you to the sightseeing spots within the tour time.
You can choose the size of the cab, from medium to large, according to the number of people you wish to take.

The driver will also provide you with a thorough guide of the tourist sites, so even if you do not have any knowledge of the area, you can enjoy the tour without any worries.

Some of the plans introduced on Basho Trip allow you to freely arrange the sightseeing spots you wish to visit within 4 hours of boarding the taxi.
But for those who think it is difficult to decide a plan by themselves, don’t worry!
We have prepared a model course so that you can visit all the major sightseeing spots in the city in a limited time.
If you want a guided tour of the city but don’t want the hassle of researching tourist attractions, by all means use this service!

Sapporo to Otaru Transportation Summary

There are many ways to get from Sapporo to Otaru.
The JR, car, and bus transportation methods introduced here all have their merits and demerits, so you should choose the one that best suits your needs.

For those who find it a bit tedious to think about transportation, we recommend taking a sightseeing cab so that you can concentrate on sightseeing without having to think about anything else.
Don’t waste your time on a trip to Hokkaido, find the best means of transportation for you!

Well then, enjoy your wonderful trip!

For Hokkaido activity experiences visit Basho Trip


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